It doesn’t matter that, in the wake of that failure, two decades ago, both Arafat’s Fatah and the Islamist Hamas embarked upon an onslaught of suicide bombings that targeted all of Israel, and left much of the Israeli mainstream persuaded that no amount of territorial concession would satisfy the Palestinians - persuaded, in other words, that relinquishing land would not yield the sought-after peace, but merely give our enemies improved conditions from which to proceed with their phased plans for our elimination. It doesn’t matter that US president Bill Clinton unerringly identified Yasser Arafat as the unreformed terrorist who doomed the most recent serious effort to negotiate an accommodation. It doesn’t matter that, intermittently over the years, Israel offered to relinquish most of the West Bank too - most of Judea and Samaria, our biblical heartland, the historic explanation for our people’s modern return to this part of the world - but was unable to secure, in return, reliable guarantees that we would not continue to face efforts to destroy us militarily or via the so-called “right of return.” It doesn’t matter that Israel forced 8,000 Jews from their homes in Gaza 16 years ago, and pulled its army back to the pre-1967 border, to the delight and approval of much of the international community. It doesn’t matter that Hamas is not seeking an accommodation with Israel, or a territorial compromise with Israel but, rather, to wipe Israel off the map. It doesn’t matter that Hamas is a repressive, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamist terrorist organization that fires thousands of rockets indiscriminately at innocent civilians all over the State of Israel while using its own citizens as human shields.